Thursday, April 16, 2009


A brief (if slightly harsh) history of why JavaScript became the world's most popular programming language...

The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language Has Become the World's Most Popular Programming Language

1 comment:

Old Heckler said...

I like the style of this article (not mentioning the colour scheme and font choice). Javascript reminds me my rubbery ZX Spectrum. If you had any experience with Atari 65 or Commodore 64 computer family it wrecked your head. Quite literary. Every key on keyboard was shortcut to two to five different function when you was coding. It took some time before you could actually type any piece of code. But it had some great advantages too. ZX spectrum was portable (size wise), compact, smart and... greatly misunderstood too. There were faster, more sophisticated and more "sexy" micro computers at that time but Spectrum became the most popular one (thanks to combination of the most extraordinary reasons). I'm wondering if Brendan Eich is going to be elevated to the same noble position as Sir Sinclair ;)